

Rule your book up like this.

  1. Learn your weekly spelling list (10 words).
  2. Use these sites to help you learn your words.
  3. Use each word in a sentence OR write its definition.
  4. Have your parent/caregiver sign your book.
  5. Test yourself, in class, on Friday.
Don't stop there though!  Hit the spelling page above and work your way through the lists.  If you practise regularly (every day) you will soon know how to spell all of those words.  You WILL become a spelling ninja!


  1. Read every night.
  2. Record your reading in your 'Home Reading' book, Monday to Thursday.
  3. Include the date and a comment.
  4. Have your parent/caregiver sign your book.
  5. Hand it in on Friday morning.
If you're looking for something interesting to read have you thought about the following: school and public library books; a home reader from class; online books; newspapers, comics; magazines and graphic novels.  Keep your eyes peeled and you'll find loads of great things to read.


  1. Learn your 0 to 10 times tables! 
  2. Visit the 'Basic Facts' page above for a selection of helpful videos.
  3. Test yourself by clicking the 'Basic Facts' label to the right.
  4. Don't forget to practise your additions (+) and subtractions (−).
  5. Learn that division is the opposite of multiplication, e.g., 3 × 5 = 15 so 15 ÷ 3 = 5.    


  1. Hand your unit book in every Friday morning.
  2. We will mark your book together at school.

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