Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Welcome to Room 5 2013

Kia Ora, welcome to Room 5 2013.  We are a sunny, smiley bunch of learners here at Firth School in Room 5.
We are all working hard to get our rules and routines established in class and in the playground.
Our Homefun books have our word detective spelling, spelling sentences and our times table learning in it already.  Any notices that go home are glued in here too.

We have been talking about class rules and this is Room 5's Treaty/Tikanga.

1.  My behaviour will demonstrate respect for myself, others, property and environment, keeping myself and others safe by managing my impulsivity.

2.  I will be the best I can be, have a positive attitude in my learning day and positively encourage others to do the same.

3.  Be organised for my learning day and accept responsibility for my own actions and comply with the consequences.

4.  I will learn about and use the skills and tools that will make me be an independent, effective learner.

We look  forward to seeing you at swimming sports, on the Firth Tower visit, parent/students/teacher conferences and athletics day.

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